
8 Sep 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

Online Marketing Blog

Blogging is really easy to setup. And really easy to maintain. Anyone capable of using Microsoft word can write a blog. Simply install a program like wordpress and start blogging. There are a few technicalities where you would need a specialist to assist such as making your blog search engine friendly. We at promatix can setup a search engine friendly blog themed for your market in 1 day. Please contact us for a quote and start blogging as soon as possible.

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8 Sep 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

How To Market Online

It doesn’t matter so much if you have a website business or even a local one. You might be a photographer or an entrepreneur – a business blog is something that can help you promote your business and get the word across without looking like advertisement. Here is how you can increase sales and how to market online with the help of blogs.

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8 Sep 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

Marketing Organisation

Online marketing is the most affordable way to get more clients.
South Africa’s search engine optimization is so far behind the rest of the world it is a much easier way to compete with the masses.
You have just discovered one of the most successful online marketing companies and we would be able to generate more online leads for you.
You can always report on exactly how online marketing is increasing your profits and report on the return on investment which makes it easy to justify. We provide you with monthly reports.

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8 Sep 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

Social media marketing is a waste of time!

There’s a new buzz in town about social media marketing. Every second spam email or online marketing company cold calling you trying to set up a meeting with you, will bombard you with statistics of how important social media marketing is for your company.

They will continue to baffle you with numbers and videos to make you believe that if you don’t act immediately and pay loads of money for social media marketing, you will not only lose your business, but you and your family will get arrested for being ignorant and behind the times.

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6 Sep 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

The Dogs of War

Not too long ago, me and three of my buddy, James, Johnny and Cameron, decided to build a robot akin to the ones we saw on television. I’m talking about the kind that you see in American shows with twirling blades and pounding hammers, which you pit against similar opponents in a battle ending in scrap parts.

We set about building our masterpiece, paying attention

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6 Sep 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

Why Telkom Reigns Supreme

Driving down the road a few days ago, I noticed a massive spool of orange tubing occupying the street corner. Thinking nothing of it at the time, I continued on my merry way, oblivious of the gravity of what I had just seen. A few days passed, and the incident had all but faded from my memory, when I noticed another massive orange spool, this time on a different corner. The gears started turning in my head, grinding out pieces of a puzzle which could mean the salvation of mankind if my meagre cerebral capacity could process it in time. If not, the earth faced certain doom.

As I turned another corner, I saw another spool, no longer innocently

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13 May 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

Website Company

If you are looking for a website company, you may be searching the web for companies that look like they know what they are doing. You might be looking at websites, reading through testimonials, going through portfolios and even perusing the services offered by each company.

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13 May 12 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (1)

Effective website companies ahead of time

Not to open a can of worms but the truth is 90 % of web design companies have limited to no experience in most areas of web design and development.

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10 Nov 11 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

The Blue Egg Story

So I bought this blue spotted egg from an Arabian priest on the side of the road who told me it would bring me good luck. Yeah right!! On second inspection, I’m pretty sure he was a homeless Asian with what looked like a dead camel, nevertheless he gave me a funny feeling so I just pulled my wallet out and paid him for the blue painted egg. Hey, it only cost me 5 bucks.

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10 Oct 11 / Posted by Promatix / COMMENTS (0)

Follow the white rabbit

When I was first employed full time as a developer the boss said we where looking for someone with an eye twitch because they are smart and left brain thinkers.

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